Alexandre Dulaunoy (co-founder)
Alexandre encountered his first computer in the eighties, and he disassembled it to know how the thing works. While pursuing his logical path towards information security and free software, he worked as senior security network consultant at different places (e.g. Ubizen, now Cybertrust). He co-founded a startup called Conostix specialized in information security management, and the past 6 years, he was the manager of global information security at SES, a leading international satellite operator. He is now working at the national Luxembourgian Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) in the research and operational fields. He is also lecturer in information security at Paul-Verlaine University in Metz and the University of Luxembourg. Alexandre enjoys working on projects where there is a blend of “free information”, innovation and a direct social improvement. When not gardening binary streams, he likes facing the reality of ecosystems while gardening or doing nature photography.
Twitter: @adulau
Michael Noll (co-founder)
Michael has a bi-national Ph.D. summa cum laude in computer science from the Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany, and the University of Luxembourg. His doctoral research focused on how the Social Web can be understood and leveraged for information retrieval. Michael has co-developed patented IT security products and brought them to market, and is the co-author of an international patent application in the area of data communication. He has been a speaker at international scientific conferences such as SIGIR and Web Science, and his research work has been covered by news media such as Technology Review and Communications of the ACM. Michael is currently working for the Federal Department of Justice and Police, Switzerland, in the area of information security. He has a passion for connecting the worlds of research and business, and spends his limited spare time on books, climbing, photography, and strategy games. He enjoys diving into the unknown and learning new things fast to keep his brain from getting rusty.
Twitter: @miguno
Albert Au Yeung
Albert has a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Southampton, and a bachelor and master degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is currently working as a research associate at the NTT Communication Science Laboratories in Kyoto, Japan. His main research interests are social media, social network analysis, user behaviour modelling and in general anything that is about how information is shared on the World Wide Web. With the support of a Web Science exchange scholarship, he was a participant of the Summer Doctoral Programme organised by the Oxford Internet Institute, and a visiting researcher at CSAIL, MIT, where he worked on projects related to the Semantic Web. Albert enjoys reading and playing table tennis in his spare time. He is also interested in learning languages, currently trying to improve his Korean. Albert is enthusiastic about bringing information to people and enhancing communication between people.
Twitter: @albertauyeung
Gérard Wagener
Gérard is a bi-national Ph.D. student in computer science at the University of Luxembourg and INPL Nancy, France. He was working for 4 years in the global information security team at SES, a leading international satellite operator. He is working for the national Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) coordination center for the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. His doctoral research focuses on adaptive decoying systems to improve intelligence gathering on attackers in computer networks. He is the founder and lead developer of the Adaptive Honeypot Framework, which serves as the solid foundation for constructing intelligent honeypots. Gérard comes from the malware research community, where he worked on projects such as sandboxes for monitoring and analyzing malicious software. In addition to these hands-down activities, his scientific work has investigated malware classification using phylogenetic trees and intelligent high-interaction honeypots driven by game theory. In his spare time Gérard can often be found in his garage fixing cars and doing metalwork.